Hello World
A few ways to say Hello World in a few languages I've been tinkering with till now that could jump start a project of your own.
Hi there. It's always hard to figure out the first post on a website. It's easy to make big promises for ideas and mission statements that you have for the future but it's not always easy to execute those.
The same can sometimes go when learning a new programming language, applying that useful patch for something you use everyday or trying out a self hosted alternative.
With that in mind let's start this first post with something that you can try out yourself, right now.
A few ways to say Hello World in a few languages I've been tinkering with till now that could jump start a project of your own.
Paste the below one liners into your favourite IDE and run your first program.
Write-Host 'Hello, World!'
print('Hello, world!')
Bonus Tip:
The featured image for this post was created using carbon.now.sh

You can paste in any kind of code and it will let you export a high quality png or svg file for a website post or for social media. It's free and very useful for documenting projects as you go aswell.
Don't forget to explore the rest of our website as we build out more content. Stay tuned for more tutorials, tips, and tricks to help you make tech work for you.
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